Posted tagged ‘ag ambassadors’

Southern Hospitality & Snow Cream

February 9, 2011

Today is dia de nieve numero tres! And what do you do with all the snow sitting outside your house?

Make Snow Cream!

Now, maybe I live under a rock. But I had never even heard of it until my Southern roommates introduced me to it. And now, I’m here to share the love with y’all.

You are welcome.

First, get some snow.

Bet you didn’t see that one comin.

Anyway, so you have your snow. 

Okie Dokies. Now add a can of evaporated milk. 

Next, comes some regular milk.

Take note of how healthy this dish it- chalked full of skeleton friendly calcium. 

Add a splash of Vanilla to taste. (which is code for until you feel like you want to stop pouring)

Next comes the sugar.

Oh how I love sugar.

In any form.

I’m not picky.

Then we added some French Vanilla coffee creamer. Simply because we had it and it has been sitting in our fridge since last semester- September maybe?

And it adds a certain flair of unexpected flavors.

Lets hope we don’t get sick.

Then, mix it together.

This step required more energy then we were planning on exerting today. But we sacrificed. 

If you are feeling a little crazy, go ahead and sprinkle some cinnamon on top.

But this is only for the free spirits out there.

And don’t forget- while we are all curled up in our houses with the heat cranked up, farmers don’t get that luxury. The term ‘Snow Day’ is not in their vocabulary.

These little guys still expect to fed- no matter how much snow is laying on the ground. 

So be thankful that farmers are passionate about what they do. Otherwise you may not have that steak to express your love to your valentine next week!