Archive for the ‘Butler Ag Ambassador Events’ category

Butler’s List

August 29, 2013

With the livestock judging team getting back into the swing of things there have been many thoughts to cross my mind, but the most frequent thought to pop into my mind has been how lucky myself and my teammates are to be here! Heading into the fall judging season and getting back into the swing of practice every team thinks they ‘ought’ to have that one thing on their mind; winning. And while I believe that it’s up there at the top of the list, I don’t think we should be so quick to jump to forget the rest our list.


As a team full of different individuals and personalities from every corner of the country it’s easy to forget our similarities and what it means to be a team, but what I love most about MY team is that despite our differences we always put them aside in order to help out and be there for our teammates. The bonds we’re forming in my book are ones that can’t be replicated just anywhere. Despite the fact that we badger each other and pick at each others nerves, often on purpose; we know that at the end of every day we have a team full of friends there to catch us when we fall.


Our team has the good fortune to not only be afforded money to pursue our educations but here at Butler we’re lucky enough to be able to have people around us who truly wish to see us succeed in all facets of our lives.


They say that the best education you can give a student is to let them experience it first hand and here we are; given countless opportunities to experience life at its fullest in many different parts of the country. Being a part of the livestock judging team, for many of us, livestock are our passion and we have been awarded opportunity one after another to experience many a show, fair, and workout that not every program nationwide can say the same about. Personally I’ve seen more parts of the country in the past year than I had really thought about in the last 5 years of my geographically lacking life. This experience not only opens doors for us, but our eyes to lessons we hadn’t even stumbled upon yet.


Despite others’ outlook from the outside we’ve had and have the great fortune to have at our disposable the minds and support of 4 great men who all care about the integrity of our program. As our sophomores said goodbye to Chris  and Brad we have been handed Marcus and Coop. I find myself lucky to know I have so much support and look forward to the year with our coaches knowing that not only will they prepare us for contest day, but skills we will take forward to the rest of our lives. And just like Chris and Brad we will leave here with support that far surpasses the length of contest season.

And here we are full circle, back to the one thing on every teams mind.


At the end of the day we hope that our teams’ skills and natural talent paired with our stellar preparation from our coaches adds up to a point leading victory, however I think one thing that sets Butler apart is that our team: as long as we remember all of the components of our list; will always walk away winners. So that years from now as our glories fade and our plaques gather dust we’ll still hold true that after each time we were the true winners, the team who left with it all.

Ag Ambassador Update!

May 8, 2012

Hey Ag Ambassadors! If you wish to be an AA officer for the 2012-2013 year, then you must fill out an officer application before Thursday, May 10th at noon!

You can get the application from Elissa, and you may turn it into any officer or Elissa!

ALSO!! Ag Ambassadors is having their annual softball game this Friday at 1 pm, El Dorado softball fields (by the lake).

Officer elections will take place at the softball fields, officers for the new year will be announced after the softball games!

Are you Satisfied With Your Dash?

February 20, 2012

I wanted to share with you all the poem that was read this past weekend at Uncle Don (Dr. Don L. Good’s) funeral.   The weekend was very much a celebration of a life well lived.  You could say that Don made the most of his dash. 

As we left Manhattan to come home I reflected on the poem.  Too often we wait to get involved in school or community activities, or are too busy to notice others around us.  It’s easy to identify problems we encounter, but takes more effort to be a part of the solution.  We may be focused on training for the next big step, feeling like in the meantime our life is on hold.  What we forget (at least I do at times) is that everyday is a part of our DASH.   Please take a minute, read the poem by Linda Ellis, and ask yourself if you’re satisfied with your dash.  If not, today is the day to start filling in the stories of your dash.

 The Dash
by Linda Ellis

I read of a man who stood to speak
at the funeral of a friend.
He referred to the dates on her tombstone
from the beginning…to the end.

He noted that first came the date of her birth
and spoke of the following date with tears,
but he said what mattered most of all
was the dash between those years.

For that dash represents all the time
that she spent alive on earth…
and now only those who loved her
know what that little line is worth.

For it matters not, how much we own;
the cars….the house…the cash.
What matters is how we live and love
and how we spend our dash.

So think about this long and hard…
are there things you’d like to change?
For you never know how much time is left.
(You could be at “dash midrange.”)

If we could just slow down enough
to consider what’s true and real,
and always try to understand
the way other people feel.

And be less quick to anger,
and show appreciation more
and love the people in our lives
like we’ve never loved before.

If we treat each other with respect,
and more often wear a smile…
remembering that this special dash
might only last a little while.

So, when your eulogy’s being read
with your life’s actions to rehash…
would you be proud of the things they
say about how you spend your dash?

We heart beef!!

December 5, 2011

So just to keep everyone up-to-date on Butler Ag Ambassadors happenings….we are proud to announce we have successfully completed “Butler Beef Day”!! Wednesday, November 30 the Ag Ambassadors posted up shop in the main building on Butler campus and handed out beef information and beef jerky sticks! It was a huge hit, we handed out 500 beef jerky sticks in about two hours!

We owe a HUGE thanks to the Kansas Beef Council and their support of our event! Not only did they supply us with the beef jerky, but also beef pamphlets and yummy new recipes for beef!

Here are a few pictures from the event:

This is teamwork if I ever saw it! Taylor Graham and Kyle Wilson hold up a tri-fold as Maverick Squires traces letters!


Brett Moriarty and Alyson Moore search beef facts to post on the tri-fold!


I was in charge of rounding up pamphlets and brochures to hand out!


Our main talking point: Where's The Food....Without The Farmer??


Taylor insisted upon coloring only!!!


The finished project! (L to R) Kinzie Selke, Jared Wynn, myself, and Brett Moriarty were just a few of the Ambassadors that helped run the event!

Thanks to everyone that helped make “Butler Beef Day” an informative, fun event!!!

Debbie Lyons-Blythe Speaks With Butler Ag Ambassadors

October 19, 2011

Debbie Lyons-Blythe, a KS cattle rancher, spoke with the Butler CC Ag Ambassadors about how to be an AGVOCATE and why it's important.

Ag Ambassador Executive Officer Team 2011-2012

September 16, 2011

2011-12 Butler Ag Ambassador Officers: Bailey Boomhower, Brett Moriarty, Maverick Squires, Taylor Graham, Emily Jackson

We are not responsible for speeding tickets!

September 15, 2011

Last evening, the El Dorado roads met fast tires and smoking brakes once again as the Butler Ag Ambassadors flew across the town on the ‘2nd Annual Ambassadors Amazing Race’. Members present at last night’s meeting were divided into teams and each given a different clue to a location in El Dorado. Upon arriving at their destination, teams were given a new clue to yet another spot! Clue’s included phrases such as:

“If Dewey had a decimal, where would he be??” (The library of course!)

“I am squarely between where you can catch a flick, or catch a foul.” (The fairgrounds is smack dab in the middle of the movie theater and the baseball fields.)

“Welcome to Butler! I’m the new kid on campus!” (The Butler Welcome Center is not only home to the Foundation Offices and Office of the President, but it is the newest building on campus! And quite snazzy at that!)

And many more…….

Before setting out on the race, all participants had to come to an understanding that the Butler Ag Ambassadors were in no way endorsing nor were responsible for any speeding, reckless driving, illegal passing or any other form of tickets they could possibly encounter while in their mad dash across the town. Not that anyone would of course! Butler students are top notch! (:

Here are some photos of last night’s activities!

Pumped and ready to leave for the race!


What does it mean? What does it mean? Satree does not look pleased about the fact she cannot understand the clue!!


Must have been a close race to the finish, as the first two teams drove on the sidewalk right up to the Ag Facility door!


A few wrong turns, a little head scratching, fast driving, and lots of yelling later......the winning team! Kati Keys, Caleb LaGrone, Parker Henley and Paige Wallace!


Congratulations to all teams that successfully finished the race!

Butler Ag Ambassadors will hold it’s next event on Tuesday, October 4th with beef industry agvocate Debbie Lyons Blythe here to give a presentation! Keep updated for more details on the time and place!

And have a wonderful week! 🙂

No one said it would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.

May 9, 2011

Usually I’m completely stoked for the end of the school year. I simply can’t wait to feel the freedom summer has to offer and spend countless hours on our farm working in the hay field and with cattle, going to shows and seeing old friends and making new ones.

But this year, it is a teensy bit bittersweet.

Saturday night was the Butler Livestock Judging banquet. No, I’m not a judger, but I’m the most loyal tag-a-long/groupie/roomie/friend those guys have ever had I’m sure! So of course I was in attendance.

And naturally, I got to thinking about my time here. How I was this close to going to the community college 15 minutes from home because I had no reason to do anything different. But then Chris Mullinix said he could give me an ag scholarship, and I thought “Hey, what do I have to lose?” At the time, I had no idea that I had a whole new set of adventures and ‘family’ waiting for me that I would never trade for anything. I don’t think I will ever be able to fully thank Chris for giving me all that through a simple scholarship.

Butler and the instructors here have opened countless doors for me. Not only do I have a few more bridesmaids for my wedding, but the professional people I have met is unbelievable. One of those happens to be the former CEO of Tyson Foods, Greg Lee, who came to speak at the Ag Department’s open house. The Ag Ambassadors has been a tremendous organization to be apart of. Together, our group has not only educated the public about the school’s ag program, where their food comes from and agriculture in general, but we have accomplished our purposes while making memories we will never forget.

Never for one minute have I regretted my decision to attend Butler. I fully believe it has prepared me for my next steps in life. I am looking forward to interning with Osborne & Barr, an agricultural advertising agency, this summer in Kansas City. This fall, I will become a Wildcat at Kansas State University to major in Animal Science and minor in Spanish.

If there is one thing life has given me a first hand account of during my two years at Butler, it is that sometimes plans will change. But everything and everyone come into your life for a reason. So take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way. Always look for the silver lining in the cloud. I’ll leave you with a quote that a dear friend told me one time, and I think it fits perfectly:

“If you get a chance- TAKE IT!
If it changes your life-LET IT!
No one ever said it would be easy, they only promised it would be worth it.”

Put me in coach, I’m ready to play!

May 5, 2011

Newsflash: The Ag Ambassadors are not only the coolest things since fruit snacks, but basically pretty much amazing at everything we do.

A little intramural softball fever hit us Tuesday night, and let me tell ya, it was very impressive for the multitude of crowds gathered around. If you want to be us, it’s okay. We totally understand.

Check out a few of our favorite pics below and enjoy a slideshow made just for you! 🙂

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Open House Overview

April 15, 2011

 Ag Department Hosted Open House, Greg Lee,Tyson, as Speaker

We hope you enjoyed the Butler Ag’s Open House last night! It was a great time of education, fellowship and friends.

Folks had the privilege of listening to Tyson’s former chief, Greg Lee. The ag students were treated to a more personal information/question session before the evening’s events got underway. Mr. Lee spoke his time in the meat industry, the changes he saw and events he experienced. He also answered questions from the crowed and was available all evening to chat one-on-one.

Classrooms were set up to showcase various aspects of the ag program and industry. Areas of focus were ag communications/journalism, by-products, grain/equipment identification and livestock judging. Students were present to conduct classrooms, answer questions, give tours and simply chat with the visitors.

We would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to all of those who made the event possible. A special “Thanks’ goes out to American Ag Credit, who was a major sponsor for the evening. We hope everyone in attendance had as much fun as we did!

For more pictures from the evening’s events, feel free to visit Butler’s Flickr page HERE.