Archive for December 2011

Pinterest Agvocacy

December 30, 2011

So I recently joined the Pinterest “addiction” and I’ve been hooked ever since! It’s rather new but has quickly become popular, at least in my circle of friends. I have seen many Facebook statuses stating “Pinterest is so addicting!!” Warning: this is very very true.

Alright so for those of you who aren’t familiar, here’s my explanation. Pinterest is a website that helps you manage ideas – a virtual pinboard. It lets you organize and share ideas you find on the web. People use pinboards to plan their weddings, decorate their homes, and organize their favorite recipes. You can also find your friends and browse their pinboards!

But before you go searching for your perfect wedding dress consider this. Could this be another great way to advocate for agriculture? Besides pinning the things you like, you also have the power to create a new pin that will dive into the world of Pinterest. A few of my friends have already started.

Crystal Young pinned a link to her blog where she wrote about her opinion of Meatless Mondays.

Meatless Mondays

I also found this pin..

Which led me to the I Love Farmers…They Feed My Soul website.

Linking to your favorite agriculture websites or blogs is just a simple, quick way to get agriculture in the minds of your family and friends.

Or maybe you’re just looking for a new pair of boots and turquoise jewelry 🙂 Pinterest can help with that too..

Follow me, Paige Wallace, and many other Butler bloggers to see how we agvocate!




The Best Christmas Present Ever

December 26, 2011

If you were to ask my three- year old cousin what was the best Christmas present she ever got, the response wouldn’t take long:  mermaid Barbie doll. If you were to ask my brother what his favorite Christmas present was, he would probably answer an iPad. And, I think if you telepathically asked my weiny dog what her favorite Christmas present has been, she’d tell you it’s the indestructible chew toy that she has desperately tried to rip apart for the past year. So, of course I started pondering what my favorite Christmas present has been over the years. Was it my plastic toy kitchen at age five? Was it the infamous “Nintendo Gameboy” at age ten? Or the puppy at age fourteen? And then last night, it hit me. The best Christmas present I ever received didn’t come in a box with a bow on top, in fact, it didn’t even come on Christmas, it comes all year round and is not even a tangible object!

Last night, as my family was winding down the Christmas celebrations, my dad headed out to check the cows one last time before we all headed to bed. Well, about 20 minutes later, I got a phone call from dear ole’ Dad saying that we had a cow down, stuck in the mud. So, I piled on my insulated overalls, mud boots, ear muffs and gloves and headed out to fear that dreaded, bitter, blizzardy (ok, maybe not) Texas winter night.

My family owns a dairy, so it is not uncommon for cows to lay down and later get “milk fever” and not be able to get up. The condition is not paralyzing, or even deadly, and a couple of I.V.s of sugar usually does the trick and the cows are back on their feet!

So, here I was, on Christmas day standing in the freezing cold weather, up to my ankles in mud, holding a bag of liquid sugar, and rubbing towels over a muddy cow so she wouldn’t be cold. Glamorous, I know. But, at that moment, I looked up and realized something…… was a gorgeous night. Stretched out across acres and acres of oak tree pastures were peaceful dairy cows lying beneath the clearest sky, and more stars than a person could count.

So, the best Christmas present ever? Growing up on a farm.

Besides the valuable character traits and life lessons learned, farmers get to see sights that not many people will ever experience. So to all the parents who chose to raise their kids on a farm…rock on! For, living the farm life is a Christmas present that comes without a price tag and lasts forever.



We heart beef!!

December 5, 2011

So just to keep everyone up-to-date on Butler Ag Ambassadors happenings….we are proud to announce we have successfully completed “Butler Beef Day”!! Wednesday, November 30 the Ag Ambassadors posted up shop in the main building on Butler campus and handed out beef information and beef jerky sticks! It was a huge hit, we handed out 500 beef jerky sticks in about two hours!

We owe a HUGE thanks to the Kansas Beef Council and their support of our event! Not only did they supply us with the beef jerky, but also beef pamphlets and yummy new recipes for beef!

Here are a few pictures from the event:

This is teamwork if I ever saw it! Taylor Graham and Kyle Wilson hold up a tri-fold as Maverick Squires traces letters!


Brett Moriarty and Alyson Moore search beef facts to post on the tri-fold!


I was in charge of rounding up pamphlets and brochures to hand out!


Our main talking point: Where's The Food....Without The Farmer??


Taylor insisted upon coloring only!!!


The finished project! (L to R) Kinzie Selke, Jared Wynn, myself, and Brett Moriarty were just a few of the Ambassadors that helped run the event!

Thanks to everyone that helped make “Butler Beef Day” an informative, fun event!!!