Posted tagged ‘butler ag ambassadors’

Ag Ambassador Update!

May 8, 2012

Hey Ag Ambassadors! If you wish to be an AA officer for the 2012-2013 year, then you must fill out an officer application before Thursday, May 10th at noon!

You can get the application from Elissa, and you may turn it into any officer or Elissa!

ALSO!! Ag Ambassadors is having their annual softball game this Friday at 1 pm, El Dorado softball fields (by the lake).

Officer elections will take place at the softball fields, officers for the new year will be announced after the softball games!

National Agriculture Day – How will you celebrate?

March 8, 2012

Happy National Agriculture Day everyone!!

Today, March 8th, is a great day for farmers and consumers alike! As producers it’s a reminder that all of your hard work and dedication towards producing food and fiber for our country is worth it. It’s a day to recognize the passion of those striving for the success of agriculture. For consumers, National Agriculture Day is a way for them to appreciate what producers do, and just how important their job truly is!

So how will you celebrate?

If you’re a farmer I challenge you to find new ways to connect to the consumer. Whether that’s writing a blog or just talking to someone in the grocery story is up to you! If you’re a consumer I challenge you to strive to realize the importance of agriculture in your every day lives.

Diane Gress, the winner of the National Agriculture Day Video Essay Contest, does a great job at describing what our country is facing in food production.

Visit to learn more about how you can celebrate National Agriculture Day!




The Future of Farm Kids

January 25, 2012

I’m sure many of our blog readers have heard about the new proposals from the U.S. Department of Labor. My Facebook blew up with frustration when they were announced! If you haven’t heard, please take a moment to watch this great video my friend Courtenay DeHoff created.

I’ve lived on a farm my entire life and I truly believe that if something like this had been passed when I was a kid I would be a changed person today! My summers weren’t spent at the pool or on vacation, I was in the barn working hard to take care of my livestock. These activities have had such an influence on my personal character and ultimately pushed me to pursue a degree in agriculture. We all know owning a farm and working in agriculture isn’t always the highest paying avenue, but we do it because we LOVE it, because we love the lifestyle we were raised in. I would hate to see the lives of millions of farm kids so dramatically changed because a few politicians thought farm work was too dangerous.



Pinterest Agvocacy

December 30, 2011

So I recently joined the Pinterest “addiction” and I’ve been hooked ever since! It’s rather new but has quickly become popular, at least in my circle of friends. I have seen many Facebook statuses stating “Pinterest is so addicting!!” Warning: this is very very true.

Alright so for those of you who aren’t familiar, here’s my explanation. Pinterest is a website that helps you manage ideas – a virtual pinboard. It lets you organize and share ideas you find on the web. People use pinboards to plan their weddings, decorate their homes, and organize their favorite recipes. You can also find your friends and browse their pinboards!

But before you go searching for your perfect wedding dress consider this. Could this be another great way to advocate for agriculture? Besides pinning the things you like, you also have the power to create a new pin that will dive into the world of Pinterest. A few of my friends have already started.

Crystal Young pinned a link to her blog where she wrote about her opinion of Meatless Mondays.

Meatless Mondays

I also found this pin..

Which led me to the I Love Farmers…They Feed My Soul website.

Linking to your favorite agriculture websites or blogs is just a simple, quick way to get agriculture in the minds of your family and friends.

Or maybe you’re just looking for a new pair of boots and turquoise jewelry 🙂 Pinterest can help with that too..

Follow me, Paige Wallace, and many other Butler bloggers to see how we agvocate!




Tradition You Can Count On

November 30, 2011

They say there are only two things in life you can count on: death and taxes.

Welp, according to these videos you can also place your trust in the Beef and Dairy industries! (Thank you, farmers!) Merck Animal Health sponsored the videos.

Of course, I have to include a plug! Osborn & Barr, where I interned this summer, created these videos! Everyone there is super talented and these videos are only a glimpse into their knowledge and skills.

Enjoy! 🙂

We are not responsible for speeding tickets!

September 15, 2011

Last evening, the El Dorado roads met fast tires and smoking brakes once again as the Butler Ag Ambassadors flew across the town on the ‘2nd Annual Ambassadors Amazing Race’. Members present at last night’s meeting were divided into teams and each given a different clue to a location in El Dorado. Upon arriving at their destination, teams were given a new clue to yet another spot! Clue’s included phrases such as:

“If Dewey had a decimal, where would he be??” (The library of course!)

“I am squarely between where you can catch a flick, or catch a foul.” (The fairgrounds is smack dab in the middle of the movie theater and the baseball fields.)

“Welcome to Butler! I’m the new kid on campus!” (The Butler Welcome Center is not only home to the Foundation Offices and Office of the President, but it is the newest building on campus! And quite snazzy at that!)

And many more…….

Before setting out on the race, all participants had to come to an understanding that the Butler Ag Ambassadors were in no way endorsing nor were responsible for any speeding, reckless driving, illegal passing or any other form of tickets they could possibly encounter while in their mad dash across the town. Not that anyone would of course! Butler students are top notch! (:

Here are some photos of last night’s activities!

Pumped and ready to leave for the race!


What does it mean? What does it mean? Satree does not look pleased about the fact she cannot understand the clue!!


Must have been a close race to the finish, as the first two teams drove on the sidewalk right up to the Ag Facility door!


A few wrong turns, a little head scratching, fast driving, and lots of yelling later......the winning team! Kati Keys, Caleb LaGrone, Parker Henley and Paige Wallace!


Congratulations to all teams that successfully finished the race!

Butler Ag Ambassadors will hold it’s next event on Tuesday, October 4th with beef industry agvocate Debbie Lyons Blythe here to give a presentation! Keep updated for more details on the time and place!

And have a wonderful week! 🙂

Big Kid School is for Cute New T-shirts!

September 6, 2011

Long gone are those beautiful days where I could attend class and every one of my teachers would know my name by the second week.

Long gone are the days when I could walk to class in two minutes (however also long gone is that pesky Freshmen 15!!!)

Long gone are those beautiful days when you didn’t have a test/quiz in two different ag classes on the same day because you had one teacher for all of your ag classes and she wouldn’t give you a double whammy (Thank you SO much for that Elissa.. you were an angel).

Long gone are those beautiful days when your Spanish teacher would talk to you in English and you actually knew what was going down in class (Thank you SO much for that M.. you’re the bomb).

Long gone are those beautiful Butler days.


Say HELLOOO to cute new t-shirts at K-State!

It seems like for EVERY single club/organization you join there are t-shirts that are either required or “strongly suggested”. And I have the hottest new supermodels on this season’s runways to show them off!

Here is the hotty-toddy Analena showing off her love for beef… particularly K-State beef! Analena enjoys long walks on the beach and helping her friends with their Chemistry homework.











Here is hot mama-cita Megan. She is very active in her sorority, Sigma Alpha. Sigma Alpha is a professional ag sorority. Megan loves Red Diamond Sweet Tea and her new iPad. 

Pictured above is Hannah and Sarah. They embrace their differences and stand for world peace and equality among mankind.

And then of course there is always the option to “Be You. Be Greek” along with 546y47463829 other girls on the KSU campus. Not only does joining a sorority give you that “special bond” that only sisterhood can, but you also get to invest in about 36 new t-shirts each semester!

But this is by FAR the best t-shirt I have gotten yet. It is my new Train shirt from the most perfect, amazing and magical night of my life!!! (translation: I got to see Train in Kansas City this past weekend!!!) My life is now complete.



Super Crazy- Hectic- No Sleep- Pull Your Hair Out Harvest

June 14, 2011

In the ag world, there are months that are super crazy- hectic- no sleep- pull your hair out busy, and then all the other months are regular busy.

Either way, an agriculturist’s work is never done.

June marks one of those  super crazy- hectic- no sleep- pull your hair out busy months because of wheat harvest. And when I came home this weekend from my big girl internship in the city, we were right in the thick of it all.

So I whipped out my hand dandy phone to snap some photos for y’all!

Here the combine is cutting the wheat.

Here is a photo taken from inside the tractor. The combine is unloading the wheat into the grain buggy that my dad and I are in. (Yes, I realize it isn’t that great of a picture- however, between the tight cab space the not-so-smooth ride, I was lucky to even get something other than a giant blur)

Here you can see the grain buggy into the semi. The wheat will be stored in a grain bin until my dad has time to haul it to the port in Oklahoma.

The ‘stems’ of the wheat is actually straw. So, here Ethan is bailing it into those round bales you see. He stayed up until 2 am doing this so that all the straw would be off the ground before it rained.

Even if you have never been involved with harvest first hand, you can’t deny how pretty it all is 🙂

Put me in coach, I’m ready to play!

May 5, 2011

Newsflash: The Ag Ambassadors are not only the coolest things since fruit snacks, but basically pretty much amazing at everything we do.

A little intramural softball fever hit us Tuesday night, and let me tell ya, it was very impressive for the multitude of crowds gathered around. If you want to be us, it’s okay. We totally understand.

Check out a few of our favorite pics below and enjoy a slideshow made just for you! 🙂

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Open House Overview

April 15, 2011

 Ag Department Hosted Open House, Greg Lee,Tyson, as Speaker

We hope you enjoyed the Butler Ag’s Open House last night! It was a great time of education, fellowship and friends.

Folks had the privilege of listening to Tyson’s former chief, Greg Lee. The ag students were treated to a more personal information/question session before the evening’s events got underway. Mr. Lee spoke his time in the meat industry, the changes he saw and events he experienced. He also answered questions from the crowed and was available all evening to chat one-on-one.

Classrooms were set up to showcase various aspects of the ag program and industry. Areas of focus were ag communications/journalism, by-products, grain/equipment identification and livestock judging. Students were present to conduct classrooms, answer questions, give tours and simply chat with the visitors.

We would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to all of those who made the event possible. A special “Thanks’ goes out to American Ag Credit, who was a major sponsor for the evening. We hope everyone in attendance had as much fun as we did!

For more pictures from the evening’s events, feel free to visit Butler’s Flickr page HERE.