Archive for May 2010

From Butler and Beyond…

May 24, 2010

Hi, my name is Taylor James and I was a student to go through the Butler Ag. Program for the past two years.  Since finals are over I have left El Dorado to begin my internship with KFRM.  KFRM is an Agricultural Broadcasting Station based out of Clay Center, KS.  My job this summer will include traveling through the Midwest and following the wheat harvest in June and then I will be making a tour of the county fairs and doing broadcasts from them as well.  Being apart of the Butler Ag Program as well as the Butler Livestock Judging Team has given me great experiences and lessons to use throughout my career and I hope to be able to share with you all throughout the summer about all of the events I witness on the road this year.  So if you are interested in the wheat harvest, county fairs or just a glutton for mediocre reporting, stay tuned to the Butler page for updates.


May 10, 2010

So, this is the VERY LAST WEEK of our Freshman year of college. Finals week can sometimes be stressful, and sometimes you just gotta let go a little bit and act kinda crazy =)


This would be Sarah and I 2-stepping and singing ‘Oklahoma Girl’ in the Chemistry building. A special thanks goes out to Morgan for standing by with her Blackberry 🙂

State FFA CDE’s

May 4, 2010

This post is dedicated to what was my favorite club in high school, FFA. This weekend was state CDE’s (career development events). Now, for those of you who were not fortunate enough to have the opportunity to be active in CDE’s, I’ll briefly explain what they are. In a nutshell, they are just contests that students compete in to better themselves in certain areas. For example, a few I competed in were Livestock Judging, Creed Speaking, Prepared Public Speaking, Job Interview and Dairy Foods. However, my favorites were Ag Communications and Ag Sales (which, FYI: the Fredonia team just won, so they get to go to Nationals now, and my sister is on the team! I feel as though I helped to mold those kids into what they are today since I, too was once on the Ag Sales team) I couldn’t be more proud of them!

Anyway, by the end of my Senior year, I had a SEVERE case of Senioritis and just wanted to be done with everything. However, people keep texting me telling me how state CDE’s are going… and I’m finding myself really wishing I was there! My best memories from High School were made of FFA trips. We traveled to Manhattan many times, Washington D.C., and Indiana- just to name a few places. I wouldn’t trade those experiences for anything! 🙂

A group of us in Washington D.C.

Posing on the steps of the United States Department of Agriculture. Our group got to take a tour of it!